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  • 1 Aug 2024 1:40 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    Nike Sponsor: 


    Mountain Valley Petroleum sponsored transportation for the Alice Paul House Tour. 

    Torch Sponsor: 

    ORGANIZATION: Ironton Telephone/ Global 

    Sponsored admission to the Alice Paul Institute 
    Ironton Global is the Alice Paul Institute Sponsor 


    Wand Sponsor: 


    General sponsorship 




    Ship of Commerce Sponsors: 


    Nancy sponsored the Tote Bags event photographer 
    Ship of Commerce
    Scroll Sponsor 


    Bags event


    Kodee Water Bottles

    Alfred Werner (Nancy's Husband) 

    NFBPWC Tablets

    Scroll Sponsors:



    Magazines and bookmarks



    General sponsorship


    General sponsorship


    General sponsorship


    General sponsorship


    General sponsorship

    MEMBER: MEGAN  SHELLMAN-RICKARDGeneral sponsorship General sponsorship


    General sponsorship


    General sponsorship

    Honorary Mention to the Photographer:

    You can still purchase photos from the convention at: 

  • 1 Aug 2024 1:30 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    August 26th – 97th Anniversary of Women in the United States Winning the Vote 

    August Women’s History Events 

    • August 6, 1965 – The Voting Rights Act outlaws the discriminatory literacy tests that had been used to prevent African Americans from voting. Suffrage is finally fully extended to African American women 

    • August 8, 1969 – Executive order 11478 issued by President Nixon requires each federal department and agency to establish and maintain an affirmative action program of equal employment opportunity for civilian employees and applicants 

    • August 9 – International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples (United Nations observed) 

    • August 10, 1993 – Ruth Bader Ginsburg is sworn in as the second woman and 107th Justice to serve on the US Supreme Court 

    • August 12, 1972 – Wendy Rue founds the National Association for Female Executives (NAFE), the largest businesswomen’s organization in the United States 

    • August 19 – World Humanitarian Day (United Nations observed) 

    • August 21 - International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism (United Nationals observed) 

    • August 22 - International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief (United Nationals observed) 

    • August 26, 1920 – The 19th Amendment of the US Constitution is ratified granting women the right to vote 

    • August 26, 1970 – Betty Friedan leads a nationwide protest called the “Women’s Strike for Equality” in New York City on the fiftieth anniversary of women’s suffrage 

    • August 26, 1971 – The first Women’s Equality Day, initiated by Representative Bella Abzug, is established by Presidential Proclamation and reaffirmed annually 

    • August 28, 1963 – More than 250,000 gather for a march on Washington, DC, and listen to Martin Luther King, Jr.’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech 


    “March Again for Equal Rights” broadside, circa August 1977, Box V:314, National Woman’s Party Records, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress  


    Upcoming Dates in Women’s History to Note for September: 

    • September is Latina/Chicano Heritage Month. 

    • September 2nd is Labor Day. 

    • September 18th International Equity Pay Day. 

    • September 19th International Day of Peace. 

  • 1 Aug 2024 1:30 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: NFBPWC Rapid Response Committee Chair 

    NFBPWC is looking for the next Rapid Response Chair.  If you are interested in joining this Committee, please email President Barbara Bozeman at

  • 1 Aug 2024 1:25 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Nancy Werner
    NFBPWC Public Relations Chair (2024-2026) 

    Dr. Jill Zinckgraf Addresses The Biennial Conference 

    At the Biennial Conference, we were most fortunate to have as our Keynote Speaker, Dr. Jill Zinckgraf, Interim Director for the National Women’s History Alliance. She is a dedicated advocate and senior executive with a profound commitment to social justice. She has championed causes related to women’s empowerment, domestic violence and sexual assault prevention and social equality. Traveling from her home in Morristown, New Jersey, she was welcomed by our NFBPWC members to our 7th Biennial Conference.  

    Using our theme, “Equality Has NO Deadline,” her presentation shared the story of the National Women’s History Alliance since 1986 and how it has been built on the actions of women. Over the years, information on women’s achievements in educational materials have been prepared for classrooms and to organizations. The NWHA provides a yearly magazine and newsletters throughout the year. From 1986 when the NWHA was formed, her power point program shared taped snippets of the NWHA from the beginning to the present. During her presentation she used the phrase, “like-minded women” a few times and we readily agreed. 

    She really emphasized, ‘What is the plan as we head to the upcoming election?” Again, we agreed. We are all being asked to provide funds for this November election but what are the plans? At the moment we shook our heads. We knew of none. 

    How little did we know that the very next day President Biden would refuse the party nomination?  Then a few days later, he shared that Kamala Harris, our Vice President, should be the party nominee. Never in my crystal ball did I see this coming BUT it is a PLAN.  

    Dr. Jill’s presentation shared the importance of women working together and finding the path to Equality. We only need to work harder to achieve our equality. Maybe this is our time.  

    I do wish to thank Amanda Owen, PA Affiliate Member and our Justice Bell author, a huge thank you. Her making connections with Martha Wheelock, President of the 

    NWHA, and then Martha, with me was most welcoming. The connections of our 

    networking knows no boundaries and to learn that Dr. Jill lived only a couple of hours away in New Jersey was a sigh of relief. Headquarters for the NWHA is in Santa Rosa, CA. I was thinking fast about how to cover her airfare. 

    Also thank you, Sandy Thompson, former NFBPWC Parliamentarian, who also assisted in the zoom communications with Dr. Jill.  I must leave you with a quote from Martha, “women make it happen.” Maybe we should all be saying this mantra every day…. forever. 

    Engage with NFBPWC on Social Media 

    Organization Page:


    Group Page:

    Organization Page:



  • 1 Aug 2024 1:15 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Sandy Thompson
    NFBPWC Finance Chair,  

    I am very pleased to have been asked by President Barbara Bozeman to serve as Finance Chair for this new term. 

    In my previous life (before retirement) my last position was Director of Operations.  What it really meant was that I handled finances and budgets for several departments at Amtrak.  My duties also included overseeing and preparing a million-dollar budget for the National operations department for special projects.  These were items that you didn’t need to do every 

    year, but had to be done occasionally.  These were things like new furniture, baggage equipment and painting. 

    I also currently serve on the finance committee for my church.  

    I have been and will continue to serve on the Legacy committee. 

    I believe my background will serve me well in this position. 

    I look forward to working with all of you to move our federation forward financially.

  • 1 Aug 2024 1:15 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Larisa B. Miller
    NFBPWC International Relations Chair (2024-2026),  

    As we herald a new era for NFBPWC, I am honored to assume the role of International Liaison to drive engagement between NFBPWC with our BPW membership across the globe.  In this time of globalization, digitalization and transformation, we must recognize that working together, across borders, building our knowledge, strengthening our supply 

    chains, accessing innovations and sharing our networks will enhance the growth and resiliency of our businesses and provide exponential opportunity for professional growth.  

    While we work collectively to strengthen our business and professional relations and opportunities, we still face many challenges as women, socially, economically and through a continual lack of access to systems and resources.  We must come together to stand shoulder-to-shoulder to ensure that we have a voice in shaping global policy that gives us the rights and opportunities that we deserve in 2024 and beyond.  And we need to be the voice for our 400 million voiceless sisters around the world who live in abject poverty.   

    Through the next two years, we are committed to taking the lead on bridging our global connectivity, ensuring that it is not us against each other, it is us together for a solution.  

    The Power of Global Unity: Building Resilient Businesses for a Sustainable Future 

    In an increasingly interconnected world, the importance of collaboration and unity among business and professional women cannot be overstated. The National Federation of Business and Professional Women Clubs (NFBPWC) stands at the forefront of this movement, championing the need for global cooperation to build resilient business models, expand our networks, strengthen supply chains, and enhance economic sustainability. 

    The modern business landscape is characterized by rapid technological advancements, fluctuating markets, and ever-changing consumer preferences. In such a dynamic environment, the resilience of our business models is paramount. Resilient businesses are not only capable of withstanding shocks and disruptions but also of thriving in the face of adversity. To achieve this, it is essential for us, as business and professional women, to work together across borders, pooling our resources, knowledge, and expertise. 

    One of the key advantages of belonging to NFBPWC is the vast network of like-minded women it offers. By expanding our networks and customer bases through global connections, we can access new markets, diversify our revenue streams, and reduce dependency on any single market. This diversification is crucial for mitigating risks and ensuring long-term sustainability. NFBPWC's global chapters provide a unique platform for members to explore new markets, learn from one another, and forge new business collaborations. 

    The power of NFBPWC lies in its ability to unite women from diverse backgrounds and industries. By coming together, we can advocate for policies that enable greater access to opportunities, easier access to capital, and stronger business relations. Advocacy is a critical component of our mission, and by speaking with a unified voice, we can drive meaningful change that benefits all women in business, regardless of geographical location, socio-economic status, ethnicity, level of education, or business pathway. 

    Globalization is not just a buzzword; it is a mindset that we must embrace. NFBPWC's commitment to globalization is reflected in our efforts to connect members worldwide, facilitating the exchange of ideas and best practices. By joining NFBPWC chapters across the globe, we can immerse ourselves in new business cultures, learn from different perspectives, and position NFBPWC as the leading organization for business and professional women.  Our greatest strength lies in our commitment to support, mentor, and collaborate with one another. The NFBPWC network is a treasure trove of thought leadership and subject matter expertise, and by leveraging this collective wisdom, we can elevate each other's businesses and careers. 

    About Larisa B. Miller 

    Larisa B. Miller is a distinguished leader in global business and strategic development, serving as the CEO of Phoenix Global Holdings, Inc., headquartered in Miami, Florida, and Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Phoenix Global Holdings stands as a beacon of innovation and strategic growth, encompassing specialized verticals such as Phoenix Global, LLC (USA); Phoenix Global Consulting (UAE); Phoenix Global Media & Technology Group, and Phoenix Grove, a global defense, security and cybersecurity firm. 

    Larisa brings a wealth of experience and an expansive network of connections to Phoenix Global, particularly in the UAE, where she has served as the head of business and investment for members of the Royal Family in Abu Dhabi. She works extensively with governments and on development projects in strategic African nations, highlighting Phoenix Global's prioritization of African development and business expansion. Her leadership focuses on pivotal sectors including Transportation Infrastructure, Agriculture/Agritech, International Municipal and Governmental Consulting, ESG/Sustainability, and Technology. 

    Additionally, Larisa is an accomplished author, columnist and speaker, addressing audiences around the world on a myriad of topics including business model transformation, technology and the integration of disruptive technologies, ESG and sustainability, leadership, youth and women's empowerment, globalization, and global business expansion. 

    Larisa speaks to BPW chapters around the world prioritizing leadership development and opportunity-building for business and professional women.

  • 1 Aug 2024 1:05 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Teressa Gehrke
    NFBPWC Digital Training Special Committee Chair

    Passwords & Password Management


    It’s Time to Upgrade Your Passwords 

    Have you ever wondered if your personal details are on the dark web? How 

    quickly can a bad hacker crack the code of your password? On June 23, 2024, Teressa Gehrke, NFBPWC Digital Training Chair presented 

    “The Importance of Passwords & Password Management” to members. She discussed the basics of passwords and how to manage them using a Password Manager. In her presentation, she showed the

     following Password Table provided by Hive Systems. Hive Systems puts out a table every year indicating the time it takes a hacker to brute force your password.  

    Brute Force is a means of an attacker excessively attempting to use commonly used passwords or passphrases to crack someone’s password in an attempt to gain access to a user’s personal and confidential information.  

    Based on the table you can see the duration of how long it takes to crack a password. Each year, it gets faster. This is why using strong passwords that are at a minimum 12 characters long, and preferably 16 characters, using numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and symbols is preferred. In addition, using a Password Manager is highly recommended because one simply cannot remember hundreds of passwords alone. It’s also recommended that each password for each account is unique. If one password is breached and it is used across multiple platforms, there is a higher likelihood that you will be compromised elsewhere. What if it's an Amazon account or your retirement fund account? You may never recover those funds.  

    During the presentation, members visited the site Have I Been Pwned. (Yes, it’s spelled correctly.) Members could type in their email or phone number and see if their personal information had been compromised in a security incident.   

    Now what?  

    If you see your information has been breached, go back to your account and reset your password and begin using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), sometimes called Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). It adds a second layer of security to your username and password. There’s a link to the presentation and the webinar recording below. For additional assistance or questions, please email:  

    Presentation: The Importance of Passwords & Password Management PDF 

    Webinar Recording: Importance of Passwords and Password Management 

    About Teressa Gehrke 

    Teressa Gehrke is the Founder & CEO of PopCykol, a cybersecurity awareness company designed for families and kids. PopCykol stands for Protecting Our Precious Curious Kids Online. PopCykol teaches cybersecurity concepts in a fun, easy, and interactive style. 

    She has worked in cybersecurity since 2014 as a technical writer, user experience manager, and project manager. She has taught cybersecurity at local colleges. Teressa has a B.A. in Art History and Anthropology. She earned a Master’s in Genetic Anthropology and International Development from Colorado State University and advanced her education studying Network Security at Arapahoe Community College. She is the President of Business & Professional Women of Colorado - Denver chapter, and Digital Training Chair for the National Federation of Business & Professional Women's Clubs. In her free time, she enjoys swimming, stand up paddleboarding, painting, singing, songwriting, and drumming. 

  • 1 Aug 2024 12:45 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)


    NFBPWC will employ several education, advocacy, monitoring, and tracking strategies to meet the following priorities:  

    The Alice Paul Equal Rights Amendment shall stand first and foremost above all other items of the advocacy platform until Equal Rights have been guaranteed in the United States Constitution – i.e. “Equality of Rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.”  Human Rights – recognition that women’s rights are human rights  

    • Support:   

    The Alice Paul Equal Rights Amendment. 

    Passage of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). 

    Equal rights for historically marginalized groups, encompassing, but not restricted to, Black, Indigenous, and LGBTQ+ individuals. 

    Universal background checks for all firearm purchases. 

    The Violence Against Women Act; especially when reauthorization is required. 

    Fair and equal access to education, including sufficient funding for public education ranging from early childhood education to post-secondary / higher education. 

    Policies and practices that promote environmental sustainability. 

    Empower and enhance the well-being of military-affiliated women. 

    Equitable treatment of any women who are arrested, detained, or incarcerated. 

    Privacy rights of women, especially regarding their health, sexual and relationship history, and personal and digital data. 

    protection of human rights and equitable treatment of all migrants, including refugees and asylum seekers. 

    • Eradicate Domestic Violence and Electronic and Physical stalking, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and discrimination. 

    • Oppose human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and all forms of slavery.   

    Economic Equity and Justice  

    • Support the elimination of Forced Arbitration as the sole means of dispute resolution.  

    • Access to:  

    • Education, training, and promotional opportunities. 

      Equal opportunities in the workplace and on corporate boards.  

      Procurement procedures that facilitate opportunities for women-owned or women-led enterprises. 

      Quality, affordable dependent care (child, elderly, or disabled). 

      Funding and capital for entrepreneurial activity. ○Affordable and attainable housing. 

      Health Equity and Justice  

    • Support for reproductive justice.   
    • Access to affordable reproductive healthcare; including but not limited to; contraception, assisted reproduction techniques, and abortion care. 
    • Support for paid sick, family, and medical leave.  
    • Elimination of gender bias in research funding.  
    • Health education funding for women’s and girl’s health issues.  
    • Prevention of discrimination against pregnancy and infant care in the workplace (e.g. reasonable accommodations for breastfeeding/breast pumping and other pregnancy /maternity conditions.)  
    • Ensure workplace safety.  
    • Expansion of mental health coverage and services.  
    • Approved on July 20, 2024 

      NFBPWC Biennial General Assembly 

      King of Prussia, PA 

  • 1 Aug 2024 12:40 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Trudy Waldroop
    NFBPWC Bylaws / Resolutions Outgoing Chair (2022-2024) 

    RESULTS of the proposed Bylaws and Policies and Procedures Amendments 

    from the July National Federation General Assembly 

    All 18 proposed Bylaws amendments and all 20 Policies and Procedures were adopted.  Only a few of the proposed amendments were amended by the members.  They are listed below with the changes in red


    #4 proposal, page 4: ARTICLE IX – OFFICERS, Section 1 

    The elected officers of the National Federation shall be: a President, a First Vice-president Membership, a Second Vice-president Advocacy, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Young BPW.  A and and a Young BPW.  A Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the President and serves without a vote unless the state law they live in prohibits it.   


    Special Committees and Task Forces are appointed by the President and ratified by the Executive Committee with the exception of the Nominations Chair, which is an elected position.  

    Typo:   # 13 page 11: Article XIV, Board of Directors and #16, page 13 current Article XV Standing Committee, Sections 1 – insert Membership after L3 (Lifelong Leadership and Learning) 


    #11 page 7 bottom of the page: 2.4.10 Women on the Move  o Create a resource library including schools, realtors, maps, car leasing, long term house leasing, child care and dependent care services, language services, women’s services (hair, nails, facials, clothing), and more. 

    #16, page 13: 7.10 Voting (Biennial General Assembly) 

    All members in good standing and registered for the Biennial General Assembly may vote electronically. Typo:  #8, page 4; should be 2.3.3 Future Program Ideas 

    This Chair attended all but two of the Board of Directors’ meetings during the term.   She submitted four articles to the E-Magazine and were published.  This chair thanks the Bylaws/Resolutions Committee: then NF Parliamentarian Sandy Thompson and Virtual Club President Barbara Bozeman for their dedicated and valuable hard-work.  They were awesome.

  • 1 Aug 2024 12:10 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Nancy Werner
    NFBPWC Advocacy Team ERA Lead (2022-2026) 

    EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT – Alice Paul’s Home – Paulsdale, 128 

    Hooton Street, Mt. Laurel, New Jersey – “Trip of a Lifetime” 

    Advocacy Equal Rights Amendment.  “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on account of sex” needs to be placed into our Constitution. While most states have laws prohibiting discrimination of any kind based on sex, proponents of the E.R.A. say laws can be reversed or eliminated. Having a Constitutional Amendment would cement those rights.  

    Let me start with the NFBPWC Biennial Conference of July 18 to 21, 2024 at the 

    Sheraton Hotel in King of Prussia, PA. When President Megan asked for a volunteer to chair this event, I knew this would be an opportunity to share the Alice Paul House with the NFBPWC members. Our theme said it all - “Equality Has No Deadline.” Only 45 minutes away in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey, we had 40 plus members join us on 2 small buses. It was a gorgeous day of sunny skies and light breezes. 

    We were greeted by the Alice Paul Institute staff. We needed to divide our group into two, as one group received the presentation of Alice Paul’s life. Allie, our presenter, shared Alice’s life from the beginning to her final days through photographs that were gathered. Alice’s life was compelling as we learned of her Quaker life, education, travels to England and returning to the United States. Her national suffrage work was widely known. 

    President Woodrow Wilson was not too kind to the Sentinels who stood outside his White House fence 24/7. He finally had them all arrested and placed in jail for months. Their hunger strikes created the force feedings. We heard that these women endured lasting effects of this treatment and Alice did, too. But with an upcoming election for Wilson, he released these women as his public image was not the best. 

    But Alice’s work carried on as she wrote the Equal Rights Amendment and delivered it on July 19, 1923, at the Presbyterian Church in Seneca Falls, New York. She worked to have her document be received by the US Congress and be heard across the country. Alice dedicated her life to this amendment. 

    We saw quotations of Alice throughout the lower level of the house. Alice Paul-Feminist Suffragist, Political Strategist. She was the architect of some of the most outstanding political achievements on behalf of women in the 20th Century. She dedicated her life to the single cause of securing equal rights for all women. 

    We stood next to her wall mural and took photos. We read excerpts in her journals. We saw pictures of her youth to adulthood. Alice was there in her Victorian House with the most beautiful wrap around porch with chairs. 

    If you are wondering about the second group, we were greeted by Quincy Wansel, Youth Program Coordinator. She had the porch filled with tables and chairs of educational fun. Ready for us were worksheets 

    - Who is Missing in History?, word searches, coloring activities, writing postcards to our US representatives 

    and making buttons with “ERA.” She had a machine on the table. It was amazing what you can accomplish in an hour on a wraparound porch with a beautiful breeze.  

    But just walking through the few rooms that shared Alice’s life was inspiring. Thinking what she did for women was an awesome journey. If you ever wish to have a program all about Alice Paul, visit their web page and download the worksheets that are already prepared for you. They have answer keys too! 

    We had a professional photographer named Thomas Josh Silva, from Convention Photography, join us. He drove from eastern Tennessee. He took a group photo of all of us who visited the Alice Paul House that Friday, July 19. He found a ladder as high as he could, and he climbed to get the best shot. But for those who purchased this photo, we will always have a memory of our day with Alice Paul. 

    Although Director Rachael Glashan Rupisan was on vacation, Olivia Errico, did the honors of receiving us and sharing goodbyes. Again, we wish to thank the Ironton Telephone/ Global for paying for our admissions. (That’s my family business and we were honored to provide this gift.) 

    SIGN4ERA– May I encourage you AGAIN to take the time RIGHT NOW to sign onto this link:  When you visit this site, there is much information given to you. History of the current work and why it is so important. We now have 100,000 supporters who have signed the petition. The number is still climbing. 

    Please keep in touch with your Senators using the NFBPWC “One Click.” 

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Equal Participation of Women and Men in Power and Decision-Making Roles.

NFBPWC is a national organization with membership across the United States acting locally, nationally and globally. NFBPWC is not affiliated with BPW/USA Foundation.

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