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The NFBPWC Hear From Our Leaders

Welcome to the NFBPWC Hear From Our Leaders! This page is dedicated to detailed information from our leaders at NFBPWC. This blog area aims to keep you up to date on the changes going on in the world of women, help advance your career, improve your life, and help you positively impact this great organization.

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  • 29 Aug 2024 2:57 PM | Michele Guarino (Administrator)

    Dear Members:

    With just over thirty days since the GA, August has been a great month.  

    Though not surprised, I am impressed daily by the enthusiasm and passion our officers, committees and members show for BPW.  Already, we have made good on our intentions of

    Connecting Locally ~ Uniting Nationally ~ Igniting Globally

    Barely an hour after being announced as the incoming president, I was approached by a member who wanted to do a project event for Women’s Equality Day.  As she began to lay out her idea – I admit – I deflected.  Her idea was interesting – but it fell under the purview of our VP of Advocacy, Emily VanVleck, so I said, “that’s Emily’s department.”  While I did participate and assist (minimally) – both our new VP Advocacy and Kathy Telban, the project lead, presented a terrific program on August 24th

    Over 100 people signed up for the event.  If you were there – you know.  IT WAS AWESOME!  If you couldn’t join us, fear not – the event was recorded and will be made available when the edits are complete.   

    An off-hand comment during a chat with our International Liaison, Larisa Miller, led to our first Global Oasis, held on August 10th.  Meeting with members from around the world was quite inspiring and has led to soft plans to collaborate and scheduling the next Global Oasis very soon. 

    The Entrepreneur and Small Business team, led by Marsha Riibner-Cady, kicked off a long-term project for future monthly meetings, with the project manager of a Pitch Contest from West Virginia and one of the contestants.  We learned so much and look forward to seeing more from this upcoming program.

    And if that weren’t enough for Igniting Globally - These days there is a lot of activity leading up the International Congress for BPW International, being held in St. Kitts in November. 

    At the last Executive Committee meeting – the primary delegates for the Congress, representing NFBPWC were selected:

    Barbara Bozeman (President), Nermin Ahmad (Secretary) and Bessie Hironimus (California)

    At the next Executive Committee meeting – September 3rd, we will be discussing / deciding on the 3 alternate delegates.  

    More information regarding the International Congress is elsewhere in the magazine. 

    Welcome to September, my friends!

    Barbara Bozeman

    President, NFBPWC

  • 1 Aug 2024 12:50 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Daneene Monroe Rusnak
    Outgoing 2nd Vice President of Advocacy, NFBPWC 2020-2024 

    Being your VP of Advocacy has been an incredible honor and privilege. They say that time flies when you’re having fun and I believe that. Apparently, it’s also true that time flies when you’re advocating! I am eternally grateful to the beloved A-Team for the consistent support and contribution to the advocacy work of this organization. Thank you all for helping to keep NFBPWC at the forefront of education, awareness, advocacy, and action. The advocacy future of NFBPWC is undoubtedly in good hands. I am excited to see where this committee goes under the leadership of VP VanVleck.  

    To my fellow EC members, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your unshakeable 

    faith in each other and this organization. Your support and friendship means the world to me.  With gratitude beyond measure,  


  • 1 Aug 2024 12:35 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    About Megan Shellman-Rickard 

    Megan Shellman-Rickard earned a Master of Science, organizational leadership major, from Colorado State University and a Bachelor of Arts, communication major, from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Ms. ShellmanRickard is a 2024 graduate of the annual Leadership LaPlata Program sponsored by the LaPlata County Chamber of Commerce.  

    Megan has more than 30 years of experience in a wide variety of disciplines. She brings her former experience in the entertainment industry, strategic and green event planning, advertising sales, print and digital marketing, retail sales, publication and book production, nonprofit leadership, business development, and operations management to bear as the owner of her own company: Simple Synergy Consulting. She offers concierge business consulting services to nonprofits, small businesses, and entrepreneurs. Megan is an accomplished change agent with a skill for connecting people in the face of adversity. 

    Finding that volunteering can help expand your viewpoints and skills, Megan has served in many leadership positions throughout her career. She also believes that volunteering can allow you to gain experience in roles that might not otherwise be available to you in the workforce. 

    Megan is the Immediate Past President of NFBPWC and serves as an advisor for the BPW International N. America and Caribbean Region. She served President of NFBPWC from 2020-2024 and 1st Vice President of Membership from 2016-2020. She continues to serve as a member of committees at the international, national, state, and local level. She has served in leadership positions for the National Federation of Business and Professional Women and the Business and Professional Women of Colorado (BPW/Colorado) since 2008. As she grew with BPW, Megan served as the BPW/Boulder President for 2 years, the BPW/Colorado President for 2 years, the BPW/International Sub-Regional Coordinator for Canada and the United States for the N. American and Caribbean Region, the BPW/Colorado Vice President of Membership for 1 year. Ms. ShellmanRickard was a Delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) representing BPW/International in 2018 and representing BPW Canada in 2024. 

    Megan lives in Durango, Colorado with a packed household: husband, two children, two cats, one dog, many houseplants and an organic vegetable garden. She was born and raised in Southern Colorado, but has found homes in Boulder, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, France and Sanborn Western Camps. Kind Regards, 

    Megan Shellman-Rickard, NBPWC Immediate Past-President (2020-2024) 

  • 1 Aug 2024 12:15 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Nermin K. Ahmad
    NFBPWC Secretary 2024-2026 

    Dear Members of NFBPWC, 

    Allow me to thank you for your confidence in me, and for having elected me as the organization’s Secretary on our Executive Committee.  I look forward to getting to know each one of you better and hope that you will welcome my emails as Secretary.  Never hesitate to reach out with comments, with questions, suggestions, ideas – and also areas for improvement.  As both a Business and as a Professional Woman, the one thing I know for certain is that there is always more to learn.  

    Our overarching theme of Connecting Locally, Uniting Nationally, and Igniting Globally 

    resonates deeply with me, speaking to the fiber of who I am, as a person.  It is also what brought me into this organization – I began as a UN Representative for BPW International, and then became Secretary for the NYC Club.  I led the Afghan Women Project, and now lead Women on the Move – because as women we are never just one woman, but we are the soul that keeps humanity connected and united, carefully nourishing the sparks that ignite change globally.  

    But this has nothing to do with my new function as Secretary, in service to this organization.  To succeed, I request your patience, your support and your help. My duties are varied, but include: 

    • Maintaining the archive for the National Federation – which includes records of meetings (EC and Board), contracts, and original documents for the National Federation.  I am sure these will be provided to me, but if any are missing, I may reach out for help in finding them. 

    • Recording minutes for the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, General Assembly, and Biennial Conference, distributing the approved minutes as appropriate. 

    • Serving as liaison with the Webmaster as well as with the Bylaws/Resolutions Chair. 

    • Represent NFBPWC at various meetings and activities, as needed. 

    • Performing ad hoc and other duties assigned by the President and EC. 

    For those of you who know me, you know that I believe deeply in empowerment.  My ask to you is simple: 

    If you are interested in shadowing my position as Secretary for your benefit, to learn about what this position entails, and to include the experience on your resume, please reach out to me.  Over the next 24 months, I hope to work closely with a number of you in this capacity, so that by the next Biennial Conference we will have several candidates competing for this position, ready and able to pick up the work.  I am not seeking a mini-me, but seeking to ignite interest in this type of Board function. 

    In line with our theme, once the summer holidays are over, I would like to have a zoom meeting of all NFBPWC Club and Affiliate Secretaries so that we can share ideas, improve collaboration, connect, unite and – yes – ignite our activities!  I look forward to hearing from you.

  • 1 Aug 2024 12:05 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Emily VanVleck
    2nd Vice President of Advocacy, NFBPWC 2024-2026 

    Dear BPW Sisters, 

    It has been an immense pleasure serving on the Executive Committee for the past two years. While the role of Young BPW Chair certainly did not come without challenges, I am proud to have served and created some exciting initiatives in the process – like our period poverty project. I know Bryn Norrie will do an incredible job in the role, and I am happy to pass the torch to her.  

    I couldn’t have asked for a better group with which to initiate my time serving on the National Executive Committee of this organization. I am so thankful to President 

    Megan, Past President and Parliamentarian Extraordinaire Sandy, VP of Membership Kathy, and Secretary Sondra for their mentoring and guidance over the last two years. I owe special thanks and gratitude to VP of Advocacy Daneene both for inspiring me to grow in my advocacy journey and for building such a robust program to lead. I am excited to take on this role and honored that you have elected me as your Vice President of Advocacy for the 2024-2026 term.  

    My journey with NFBPWC has always been centered around advocacy. I was first introduced to BPW when I applied to be the UN/Advocacy Intern for the New York City chapter in 2021. From there my interest in advocacy and public policy has grown. I have helped establish some of our most recent successful projects - namely the Afghan Women Project and the Period Poverty Initiative. 

    As VP of Advocacy, my ambition is to strengthen the political power of NFBPWC and make us active players in political decisions. BPW president Millie Miles was present in 1963 when President Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act - that is where I want to see this organization. I plan to get there by joining more coalitions on advocacy topics, forging relationships with elected officials and decision-makers, and expanding our use of One Click Politics to push for legislative change.  

    Thank you for trusting me to serve as your Vice President of Advocacy. I look forward to working with our newly elected Executive Committee. I feel confident that we will continue the amazing work the leaders of this organization have paved before us.

  • 1 Aug 2024 12:00 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Maria Cecilia DeSousa, 1st Vice President of Membership, NFBPWC 2024-2026 
    Information submitted by Michele Guarino, NFBPWC Magazine Editor (2017-2026) 

    Welcome New and Renewing Members


    Marjory Beazer



    Kelly Tallon Franklin

    Virtual - Florida


    Kimberly Henderson

    Virtual - Alabama


    Jean Lam



    Cynthia Lease

    Virtual - Virginia


    Marty Maskall  



    Kathy Schmaltz



    Emmaline (Emma) Wilde

    Virtual - Texas


    Barbara (Barb) Yong

    Virtual - Illinois


    Linda Fihelly

    Virtual - Maryland

  • 30 Jul 2024 12:58 PM | Michele Guarino (Administrator)

    Dear Members:

    It is with great excitement and a profound sense of responsibility that I begin my term as your President.  Our theme for the 2024-2026 term is

    Connecting Locally.  Uniting Nationally.  Igniting Globally.

    This theme embodies our collective ambition and vision for the future. This theme is not just a statement.  It is a promise to each of you.

    Connecting Locally means nurturing our immediate networks and communities.  Our local connections are the heart of our organization.  It’s about ensuring that every member has access to the support, resources, and opportunities they need to succeed.  By strengthening these local ties, we build a solid foundation for broader initiatives.  Your local efforts and collaborations are what make us a strong and resilient community.

    Uniting Nationally involves coming together across all states, sharing best practices, and working as a cohesive force.  Together, we will share best practices, support each other's initiatives, and work towards common goals.  Your involvement is what will drive our national success and amplify our collective voice.  National unity amplifies our voice and enhances our ability to advocate for change and progress on a larger scale.

    Igniting Globally is about reaching out beyond our borders, learning from our international peers, and making a global impact.  Every connection we forge and every collaboration we undertake will contribute to a more inclusive, empowered and interconnected world.

    We should all extend our gratitude to the outgoing leadership team for their incredible service.  Their hard work has paved the way for us to continue moving forward.  Now, it’s our turn to build on their legacy by infusing new energy and ideas.

    Let’s embrace this journey with enthusiasm and determination.  The future is bright, and together, we will make it extraordinary.


    Barbara Bozeman 

    President, NFBPWC (2024-2026)

  • 7 Jul 2024 10:36 AM | Michele Guarino (Administrator)

    Gratitude, Community, and Connections

    As I end my term as President, I would like to express my humble appreciation to every member of NFBPWC for trusting me with the opportunity to serve you as a leader of this organization for two terms.  I have had the honor of serving as Vice President of Membership under two incredible National Presidents, Elizabeth Benham and Sandra Thompson.  Both women worked with me to understand the intricacies of BPW and inspired me to be a leader in service to our organization and its members.  I have served alongside two phenomenal Executive Committees over the past four years, and I am extremely proud of what we have been able to accomplish for NFBPWC.

    Thank you to every member who dedicated time and experience as a Chair, a Taskforce Chair, or a Special Chair. Our organization thrives when we have full participation at the National level, and we have been fortunate to have inspirational leaders in these positions. The goals and aspirations of our members were boldly realized due to the commitment of these committees. Our success can be celebrated by all of us! We truly have cultivated connections and created a community in which business and professional women can thrive through education, advocacy, and unity.

    NFBPWC exhibits the idea that collectively, our influence is stronger. We can accomplish more by raising our voices together and the women of today need to hear us. The women of tomorrow want to see us standing strong against misogyny, racism, violence, and injustice. We have the power to make a difference as we continue to honor our interconnectedness as humans, more specifically as women.

    As we elect and appoint new leaders, I implore each of you to consider how you might have an opportunity to provide constructive input and to find your own unique path in this organization. This is a chance to develop your potential, and that of NFBPWC, in a safe and welcoming space. There is space to continue to bring your ideas, projects, and your own light forward.

    Let us celebrate our successes as individuals and as an organization! Please accept my personal invitation to all NFBPWC members to join us at our Biennial Conference in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, or our Hybrid option, July 18-21, 2024. Look for details on our website:

    Thank you all for offering this unique and inspirational community experience to each other. It is one in which we can find solace and solutions. And let us not forget to be kind and accepting of each member’s journey in this organization as we endure these extraordinary moments of history (and herstory). NFBPWC will continue to Cultivate Connections, Create Community beyond this presidency. Sending personal wishes of celebration, health, and progress around the globe through the next biennium!

    Kind Regards,

    Megan Shellman-Rickard, NBPWC President (2020-2024)
  • 1 Jul 2024 12:30 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Sondra Nunez
    NFBPWC Secretary 2022-2024 

    “We As Women” 

    Charlotte Perkins Gilman 

    There‘s a cry in the air about us– 

    We hear it, before, behind– 

    Of the way in which “We, as women,” Are going to lift mankind! 

    With our white frocks starched and ruffled, 

    And our soft hair brushed and curled– 

    Hats off! for “We, as women,” 

    Are coming to save the world.                        

    Fair sisters! listen one moment– And perhaps you‘ll pause for ten: The business of women as women Is only with men as men! 

    What we do, “We, as women,” 

    We have done all through our life; 

    The work that is ours as women Is the work of mother and wife. 

    But to elevate public opinion, 

    And to lift up erring man, 

    Is the work of the Human Being; Let us do it–if we can. 

    But wait, warm-hearted sisters– Not quite so fast, so far. Tell me how we are going to lift a thing Any higher than we are! 

    We are going to “purify politics,” 

    And to “elevate the press.” We enter the foul paths of the world To sweeten and cleanse and bless. 

    To hear the high things we are going to do, 

    And the horrors of man we tell, One would think, “We, as women,” were angels, And our brothers were fiends of hell. 

    We, that were born of one mother, 

    And reared in the self-same place, In the school and the church together, We of one blood, one race! 

    Now then, all forward together! 

    But remember, every one, 

    That ‘tis not by feminine innocence The work of the world is done. 

    The world needs strength and courage, 

    And wisdom to help and feed– 

    When, “We, as women” bring these to man, We shall lift the world indeed. 

  • 1 Jul 2024 12:05 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Daneene Monroe Rusnak
    Vice President of Advocacy, NFBPWC 2020-2024

    OCP Update and Reminders: 

    • Be an advocate for menstrual equity! We have a new OCP campaign supporting the Menstrual Equity for All Act introduced by Rep. Grace Meng  [D-NY-6]. Click hereto contact your MOC today (and beyond!) 

    • Don’t forget to use our digital advocacy platform to show your support for the ERAand Voting Rightswhile encouraging your MOC’s to do the same! You can complete these actions multiple times. Consider making it a weekly (or daily?????) habit.The more messages received, the more they listen…..and hopefully, take favorable action!

    • Sign up for our Advocacy Text Alerts oText the keyword “advocate1919” to the number 313131 

    • You should instantly receive a “Welcome” message oIf you do NOT receive a Welcome message, try texting the keyword “advocate1919” to the number 716-271-7872 

    If neither of those options work, please email VP of Advocacy, Daneene Monroe Rusnak at   

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The NFBPWC Blog has profiles of our members, the news that we're so very proud to share with you, and information that can help you advance your career, improve your life, and positively impact this organization. 

Equal Participation of Women and Men in Power and Decision-Making Roles.

NFBPWC is a national organization with membership across the United States acting locally, nationally and globally. NFBPWC is not affiliated with BPW/USA Foundation.

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